As these unrepresented times are upon us we have had to move forward with our NVQs making them more accessible to the construction industry whilst maintaining the qualification safety.
Therefore we have made it possible to complete your NVQ online using a combination of video, written questions, witness testimonies and Skype sessions.
Online NVQs
How do we do it? We use an e-portfolio called Quals Direct. The portfolio allows you to answer all of your NVQ questions either on a laptop or a mobile device. You will be sent a Witness Statement for you and your employer/ ex employer to complete. Once you have completed your questions you will need to get a short/ series of short videos based on your trade (your assessor will tell you what you need to collect). You then upload your videos and complete your portfolio.
Procedure to getting an NVQ Online
Here is the full procedure to gaining your NVQ online
Sign up through one of our standard NVQs – These can be accessed by clicking on the CSCS/ CPCS cards on our home page
Complete the Induction Pack and Questionnaire
We will give you access to our e-portfolio Quals Direct and will register you with the awarding body NOCN
Complete your NVQ Knowledge Questions within the e-portfolio
Complete the Witness statement and upload to Quals Direct
Complete videos of you now or when you get back to work and upload to Quals Direct
Have your certificate delivered to you
It’s that simple. If you would like more information just click the call me back button on the bottom right hand side of the page. Or you can send an email to