October 14 2019 0Comment
CSCS Online Course

CSCS Online Course Launched

The reasons

Multi Trades Training Ltd has produced and released an completely online course for the Level 1 Award in Health and Safety in a Construction Environment. This is also known as the one day health and safety course. The course is specifically deigned for people needing to get the Green Labourers CSCS Card. Ultimately the reasons behind it are to save the learner and company money by not losing a day off work or a days pay. You also don’t need to travel.

How it started

I had the idea about 2 months ago to develop a course which was completely online for people needing their CSCS card. There are others out there delivering it partly online and partly in a training centre. However I wanted something different.

Before I could do anything I had to get approval from the awarding body NOCN. I spoke with my external verifier who checked with his boss and approved providing I can ensure the safety of the qualification and assessment. So with careful thought about safety I set to work and found a good e-learning software company who was able to suit my needs. It was paramount that the learners using the software could use an app to complete their studies. The Enterprise Learning Academy does just that. After some training and helpful tips I was well on my way to producing my idea.

The software

The software allows you to write an e-learning package together with an e-portfolio. This has allowed me to differentiate between the two. The e-portfolio is laid out just like it would be in a work book but just online. The software allows users to enter their answer and submit for marking. The moderator/ assessor can then go in and mark the questions. If there are questions that are wrong the learner has a chance to correct before re-submitting.


The CSCS online course (e-learning) is a direct route to getting your Level 1 Award in Health and Safety. Essentially the course is made up of presentations with me as the voice over giving you information needed to gain the qualification and to help with your CSCS test. There are also questions after each presentation to help embed the knowledge learned.

Sign up

Apart from running this project I am also a business director, an assessor, an internal verifier, an accountant, a marketing manager…. the list goes on. So producing this has taken the last 2 months of evenings, weekends, early mornings before the kids go to school and even when I have been trying to relax at the fishing lake. However the finished project is now complete and I am very happy with it.

I always enjoy projects like this and hope that many people can benefit from it.

Here is the link to sign up www.mttraining.co.uk/product/cscs-online

Thanks for reading

Rob Jones – Director – Multi Trades Training Ltd


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