Welcome to the CSCS mock test exam, there are 50 multiple choice questions below that are designed for you to practise for free before your real exam when attempting to get your CSCS Card.
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Why the CSCS Mock Test 2019?
Welcome to the Multi Trades Training Ltd CSCS Mock Test 2019. This is the most up to date test and will randomly ask you 50 questions. The questions may not be exact but they will be similar to what you get asked in the exam. We have tried to include the technical questions and not necessarily the general knowledge. The CSCS mock test has been designed to help you to practise before your CSCS exam for free.
What is the CSCS test Pass Mark?
The CSCS test is made up of 6 categories including 12 questions from 4 case studies. Each study has 3 questions meaning you can score a total of 12 marks. You should always aim for a score of 50/50 however the pass mark can vary depending on what questions you get asked and from what category. Typically the pass mark is 47/50 but again this can vary depending on how many questions you get asked and from which category.
Knowledge Questions
There are 38 Knowledge questions from 16 categories with 5 main sections. You have to pass each category in order to pass the test. Sometimes you only get one question in a category. It is vital that you get it correct as it may be the difference between a pass or a fail.
What are the categories in the CSCS Test
Legal and Management – General Responsibilities & Accident Reporting
Health and Welfare – First aid procedures, Health and Welfare, PPE, Dust and Fumes, Noise, COSHH and Manual Handling
General Safety – Safety Signs, Fire, Electrical, Site Transport
High Risk Activities – Working at height, Working in confined spaces
Environment – Environmental control
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