Am I Too Old For An Apprenticeship?
Are you looking for a career change and asking yourself am I too old for an apprenticeship?
One of the biggest myths is that apprenticeships are only available to school leavers, however the governments recent changes to grant and levy funding enables access to a more mature group. Employers may actually prefer someone that is more mature and has experience.
It’s likely you won’t receive your state pension before the age of 68 in the UK if you’re 40 or below, this means that you could potentially be working for another 28 years. If you could not see yourself in your current career for the remaining period of your working life, now is a great time to retrain in a construction apprenticeship.

How old is too old for an apprenticeship?
As long as you’re in good health there is no reason not to start an apprenticeship at a mature age.
“Attitude reliability demeanour, everything else can be trained. You have a huge advantage over a lot of other people if you can show up on time, not flake out, have a good attitude and not be drunk or on drugs. If you are reliable, work hard and are willing to learn you will become indispensible.”
–Painting & decorating business owner.
Mature apprenticeships funding
The government are currently offering companies grants to take on apprentices of all ages in the UK, so now is a great time to find an apprenticeship whilst companies may be looking for new recruits.
Whilst undergoing an apprenticeship, your employer will pay your salary and at least 20 days holiday and government can pay for your training (including English and maths if you haven’t got them). You’ll be paid for both training and work time on-site.
With lots of various trades to choose; like carpentry, bench joinery, plant operator or groundwork, only you can decide which one suits you. A lot of people who go onto train in a trade also go onto become self-employed, meaning you will be your own boss and potentially earn more.
What is the mature age apprenticeship wage?
A thing you may want to consider when deciding whether to take on a mature apprenticeship is the loss of wages that may occur due to the pay being less than your current role.
Wages will differ depending on sector however as a minimum, you will be entitled to the national living wage, for apprentices this is currently £4.30 per hour (Click Here for up to date wages). However most apprenticeships will pay above this wage, especially in higher costs areas such as London.
It’s also worth taking into account employers are looking to attract the best individuals there-for offering competitive pay and incentives.
Apprenticeship Levels
Intermediate: Level 2 equivalent to GCSE
Advanced: Level 3 equivalent to A Level
Higher: Level 4, 5 & 6 equivalent to foundation degree and above
Degree: 6 & 7 equivalent to Bachelor’s or Masters Degree
Ready to start applying for carpentry apprenticeships? Find out how to write a winning apprenticeship covering letter or CV by clicking the links. Click Here to apply for our apprenticeship training.
Multi Trades Training offer on-site apprenticeship training so you can save money by not attending college. All assessments are made on-site and online; we can also help the company apply for the funding from the government. Offering a wide range of level 2 apprenticeships from carpentry, plastering and ground-working.